Thursday 28 February 2013

Martin Fella Vintage

It shouldn't come as a shock to you that in Melbourne, we love our vintage. Now, I'm not talking about the moth hole-riddled, lumpy brown cardigan you may find hanging in your grandfather's closet, but vintage, recycled and second hand clothing that looks fab, but won't bust your bank account. The interest in Vintage and second hand clothing has exploded in recent years, with shops popping up all over Melbourne town. Young women in long skirts waltz our streets, men wearing printed shirts from the 70's sit in Gertrude Street bars and you'll see more hipsters sporting second hand vests then you can poke a stick at.* One of the things that I personally love most about vintage and recycled clothing, is the story each item carries with it. Every piece holds old memories and it's as though you're sharing someone's past with them...not in a creepy Freaky Friday, body swap way, but in a sentimental kind of way. Whilst wandering up Queensberry Street, in North Melbourne, I stumbled upon Martin Fella Vintage, a retro-style little shop, crammed with enough second hand and vintage goodies to make any self respecting vintage lover go blurry-eyed.

For the past fifteen years Martin Fella has been gracing North Melbourne's presence with a beautiful array and assortment of vintage and second hand goods. Split across two levels, the shop stocks mostly men's and women's clothing, as well as jewellery, shoes, bags and other accessories. There are cute high waisted skirts, crazily patterned shirts, fur jackets and trenches galore. Along with the practical and wearable there's also the, er, kinda weird and wacky (statement necklace featuring the face of Karl Largerfeld, anyone?), which just makes the experience all the better really. Though small, one could peruse these shelves for a long while. I myself was particularly taken by some of the beautiful leather bags and oversized vintage-style sunglasses. Because really, who doesn't love to look like a giant long as it's done in style of course.

Martin Fella Vintage is just one of Melbourne's many places to purchase vintage goods, whether you're just dipping your toe in the style or a full blown vinta-phile. Something tells me that, much like the clothes themselves, Melbourne's love of all things vintage will be around forever. No old cardigan will go unworn, no brown lace-up brogues shall be un-walked and remember, each piece holds it's own past and memories. So just think, you could be wearing the very same printed vest that got thrown up on at a party in 1989...happy vintaging!

*If you have never attempted to poke a hipster with a stick, I highly reccomend you give it a try. It is most amusing.

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