Sunday, 4 November 2012

Cold Drip. The New Hot Drop.

I love Summer. Really. As soon as I catch a glimpse of blue sky and the sun comes out, you'll find me outside frolicking around as though I were in the cast of some Disney musical (I wanted to say High School Musical but I kind of knew you'd judge me if I did...). My only little problem, and we're talking on some microscopic level here, is that often when the sweat is gathering at the nape of my neck (sexy, I know) and the UV warning is higher than the Rialto Tour, I don't really feel like drinking a hot coffee. Now, I'm sure that this is not just me here and that many of you would agree that there's something not quite right about drinking a 60 degree glass of steaming milk on a 37 degree day. But do not despair my fellow Melburnians because I have the solution to our woes. And that solution comes in the form of a Cold Drip coffee.

Becoming more and more popular amongst Melbourne cafes, Cold Drip is a method in which cold filtered water is held in the top chamber of a crazy looking contraption (pictured below), which then drips slowly into the ground coffee found in the middle chamber. Between the next 4 to 10 hours, the coffee is filtered through to the bottom carafe and is then ready to serve. Having tried my fair share of cold drips in the past couple of months I can say that this is no poor alternative to your regular milky latte, but rather coffee in an exceptionally pure tasting form without being too over powering. Delicious. So the next time you need your caffeine hit, but don't want to feel like you'll burst into flames at any moment, try a cold drip for a cool and refreshing replacement. They're totally the new and hottest thing...geddit!?

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